
Among other things...

I miss blogging and soon, I shall return. Right now, however, I have wedding bells on the brain, and their ringing is all-together consuming me. I look forward to returning to a settled life (I hope) after wedding day and master's thesis are over. In anticipation of the summer, here are a few things I'm looking forward to...

Catching up on my "to read" list...
Reconciliation by Benazir Bhutto.

Spending time with my soon-to-be hubby...
Even if we're still playing online Scrabble.

Learning how to be a wife...
This website should come in handy.

Helping my soon-to-be hubby accomplish summer goals...
By memorizing together and going to synod.


Call Me Crazy

If planning a wedding isn't challenge enough, try adding making your own desserts and wedding cake! I love to bake and one of the things I really wanted to do for my wedding was to do my own baking. It was partly to save costs, but mostly because I am stubborn and I just wanted to do it myself. Saturday is the baking deadline so guess what's keeping me busy this week? One of the desserts is strawberry tartlets, the progresson of which is pictured. Unfortunately, the tarts lack the final flourish of mascarpone, cream cheese and strawberries. Yum! Today's unphotographed accomplishment was carrot cake and one enourmous mess in the kitchen.