
No More S'mores.

Title is misleading. It should read, Not Any S'mores, but I liked the rhyme...

In any case, that was the event last night. No S'mores!

More than anything, Mom wanted a bonfire last night for her birthday celebration. With both of us having October birthdays, bonfires are a bit of a tradition and birthdays aren't birthdays unless we have one. So we tried.

Problem A: Wasps.

Apparently there was a hidden wasp nest in the firepit. Needless to say, they were a bit unhappy about being smoked out of their beds. As Dad was attempting to build a fire, wasps were billowing out of the pit and crawling/flying everywhere. Both Colin and Dad got stung. One landed on my jeans and I carried it unknowingly into the house. Screaming and running back outside, Colin attempted to remove it by slapping a towel on my leg. Oh no, it only pushed the wasp into my jean pocket. More screaming and running back inside.

Problem B: Weather.

After the lives of all visible wasps were extinguished, the party finally settled 'round the fire. Only then, did the heavens open up and it started pounding enormous drops on us and our hard-earned fire.

Result of Problems A and B: No S'mores!

Ahhh, maybe next birthday....


At Thursday, October 05, 2006 6:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon- I"d love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. What does the PCA think about Mark Driscoll?



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