
Oh, Canada...

Tomorrow we set out on the Koons's 3rd last family vacation. Dad has said for the last 7 years that each family vacation was going to be the last. Prolonged singlehood is the cause for these continued vacations. Either that's a major disappointment or a whoppin' yippee because we get to have another vacay...

We talked Dad out of driving two cars. Dad didn't want to deal with us and we didn't want to drive. We won - but only by the saving grace of iPods and little preperatory sleep. He threatened to make us sign a No Complaint Contract, but so far that piece of paper hasn't materialized. He also threatened to make us pay a kiddy $1 for each time he heard "its cold back here!" but that too was merely threat. At least, I hope so because I forgot to get cash.

We're off to Ontario, Canada to the Shakespeare Festival? I really don't know what all we're doing, where we're staying, etc. Ignorance is bliss, I say. We are however seeing Oliver, The Glass Menagerie, and Much Ado About Nothing. I'm looking forward to it, but three plays in a row might just tide me over till 2010. I'm mostly excited because the high is 75 degrees. My bag is full of sweaters! I've also got about 6 books I plan to read - and NONE of those involve my degree plan.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories when I return.


At Friday, August 11, 2006 12:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww! Sounds like fun! Have a good time! That's funny how you had to talk your dad into taking only one car. I think I have the opposite problem. I would love to drive and take 2 cars on vacation when we go out east, so I could go visit my friends from missions trips while my parents visit their old high school buddies and distant relatives, but I don't think that idea would go over with dad.


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