
The Day to Day Stuff of Life.

More on Grad School: Looks like it will be a good semester. My class work will be purposeful and useful training. Topics which actually apply to my work. Like, writing studio policies, lesson planning, learning how to teach music theory. Guess that's the point of grad school... But I do miss taking gen-ed classes. Some of them were by far my favorite courses. Like, Faith and Doubt: the Brothers Karamazov, 19th Century French Literature, Beauty and the Beast, and CnT: Revolutionary Period. Oh and Ballroom Dance was perky fun. If I was undergrad still, I'd definitely be taking Valliere's Psalms class and Eloise's French lit class. Maybe if I get bored sometime, I'll sit in on them. Make the freshmen nervous.
Kitchens: Between the ants at home and the fruit flies at work, I'm about ready to move into an insulated glass cube. I found a couple of ants crawling on me after doing the dishes. Maintaining my cool head, as always, I gently flicked them off and now I'm sure they're lost somewhere between the piano and the front door. Nothing though, is as bad as that day at Shepherd Community, when after getting too close to one of my little girls, I found a louse taking his afternoon stroll across my shoulder.
Family: I love my mother.


She knows how to jam.

She makes a great grandma.

She's daring.

She gets prettier every year.

The World: Throw out the text books and rewrite the neumonics! Bye, bye Pluto.
Confession: After over 5 years of being a faithful subsriber to Martha Stewart Living, I'm slowly becoming converted to Real Simple. Martha dearest, you're running out of ideas, becoming too unrealistic, and quite frankly, your new kitchen is boring.


At Saturday, August 26, 2006 6:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a great description of Martha's new kitchen!


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