Sonata 'n' Scandal
My speeding ticket has been one-upped by new scandal shakedown at piano camp. Yes. The problems that arise from leaving highschoolers unattended.Apparently a group of campers thought it would be a great idea to play a game of cards. Nothing wrong with that... unless of course it's after curfew and the game is held outside. And after curfew, the only way outside is through the dorm windows (can't play in the halls, might get caught). What, getting caught climbing out windows by the Butler police is a better idea? Not so much. So 12 campers were evicted from staying overnight in the dorms. Bright minds lack much common sense. Unfortunately, one of the families decided to host the majority of the offenders, and somehow a big sleepover doesn't sound like punishment to me. The kids haven't gotten the hint yet because they mostly think it's funny (which it's not) and keep talking about it hoping to get a laugh out of us counselors (and trust me we're not laughing).
The worst part about this silliness is that the group of kids is the same as the group who get together for Bible study at camp. Jokes have been flying among the teachers about the "12 Disciples." Some of the teachers were talking about it over lunch today and I heard the comment, "And they're supposed to be good Christian people!" It surprised me to realize how much age doesn't matter in your witness before the world. Here is a bunch of goofy, immature teens acting like any other goofy, immature teen, but because of a claim they've made to Christianity, the standard is automatically raised. It surprised me to realize how much these adults are watching them to see whether their actions validate their claims.
So if you're a teen and you're reading this, learn by example. We have no idea who is watching us and what sort of opinions they're forming about our faith based upon our behavior. Just because you're young doesn't mean that you aren't influencing people in their opinion of Christ. This has been sobering to me because so often I forget that as a Christian, I'm being watched too. And I'm supposed to be the "adult"...
I feel badly for these kids because I know they didn't mean to be foolish. I just wish they could hear what people are saying and realize that actions do indeed have far-reaching, even eternal, consequences.
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