An Accidental Fool
I didn't intend to observe April Fool's Day, but it turned out that I did. Accidentally.#1. I'm not usually in charge of taking care of the church's money- that's my dad's job. Since he's out of town, he asked me to deliver the necessary items to church this morning. Of course, I forgot. I was halfway to church when I realized it and turned around, being 15 minutes late to church and missed the offering. I was really grateful no policemen were keeping watch of the interstates...
#2. I spent a good part of the afternoon baking a cinnamon coffee cake for the evening church pitch-in. Only, I didn't get the memo that there was NO evening church pitch-in tonight. So I walk into church bearing food, feeling foolish. At least, the Lefebvres got to enjoy it and I got to spend some time with them.
Ha, ha! Joke's on me!
So are you a true red head or is there some blonde under there???? Just wondering......Love ya :-) Aunt K
Maybe some natural highlights...
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