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Other than coming down with a flu/head cold, not much is going on in Rochester. Grandpa is still in the hospital but is improving. Grandma and I are hanging out in the hotel watching TV. And I'm trying to get some school work done, although when your head is pounding, reading is the last activity on the list... Still no sightings of cute/single med students, we're were on the watchout. :)ps. YEAH BUTLER!!!
[enter singing. yes, of course from memory!]
We'll sing the Butler war song
We'll give the fighting cry (HEY HEY HEY)
We'll fight the Butler battle
Bulldogs ever do or die
And in the glow of the victory firelight,
Hist'ry cannot deny
To add a page or two
For Butler's fighting crew
Beneath the Hoosier sky!
Ask the nurses. They know which ones are nice, cute and single. Now go to bed and get some rest! Aunt B.
I hope you get feeling better soon! Love and miss you very much.
Go Butler!
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