I don't understand what the big deal is about me posting so infrequently. Did I miss the section in the blog machine's terms and conditions where posts are required to be scheduled? More than that, I don't understand because I really don't have anything interesting to say. I refuse to post anything controversial anymore because, well, because. I don't like having people breathe down my neck and insult my intelligence. I don't go out much, so I don't have funny stories to relate. Honestly, I lead a very boring life right now. I wish I could say that my absence from the blogosphere was due to a heavy school load and how I labor every night studying. But I can't say that because it would be lying. Well, this week I'm up late, but of course that is only because I have procrastinated hideously this semester. The good news is that I have 3 days of classes, two finals, one project, and one paper left. YEAH! This semester has been ridiculously pathetic. I dislike my classes and looking back, I haven't learned a single substantial thing. Well, except for music theory, but lately it has been more repeat of Music History 3. But you can only talk about John Cage for so long. So yeah my life is pitiful. Pity me.-----------------------------
You can tell that it's the last week of school because Hinkle's parking lot is FULL.
I like spring when it rains because it makes the tree bark very dark making the new foliage stand out like God painted them with glow in the dark paint.
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