I'm a Princess!
I was 99.5% bent on staying home today because it was too snowy and I didn't want to drive, park at Hinkle, then hike all over campus. I was dreading the cold wind, the wet snow, the slick sidewalks, getting soaked before class, etc... Well, mom comes in at 8:00 and demanding that I wake up and not start skipping class so soon in the semester. She, in the bottomless kindness of her heart, said, "ok, fine, I'll drop you off at school." SO. I went to class. It was BEAUTIFUL. :) Mom's reply to Dad's astonishment of my royal treatment was, "Dale, I'm just as spoiled as she is." It was BEAUTIFUL. Thanks, Mom!----------
Colin and I dropped by church this afternoon. Stacey and I had an amusing conversation on the attributes of comfy couches:
Stacey: [sigh] They just hug you!
BTW. If you ever want to throw the best, most magnificent dinner party in your life, please call me and Stacey. We are a fab duo and we plan to go into business together some day, cuz we can throw one durn good party! (right, Stac... back me up here...)
Grandma is becoming more and more vocal in our dinner conversations. She increasingly joins in on our political and theological tirades. Tonight at dinner, Grandma, who rarely says anything bad about anyone - even politicians, made a comment about Joe Kernan's eyebrows. She says, and I quote verbatum, "He is one of the ugliest people I've ever seen!" Giggles ensue.
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