
13 days and 1/2 hr... late!

Some New Year's Resolutions:

1. No more wasting time on the internet, looking at stupid blogs, googling people I know, etc.
2. Spend more time at home with the family. Even try to bake once a week, or something. Get in touch with my domestic side!
3. Practice more. Lots more. Obviously.
4. Get more involved on campus. Become the person about whom people say, "oh I've heard her name but I've never actually met her." OK, or maybe not. I'll settle for meeting at least 30 new people by Spring Break. OK, make it 50 - shoot high. Let's see two days into the semester, I think I've met around 10.
5. Finish Les Miserables in its original language.
6. Start a Bible study with someone I don't know - yet.
7. Work on all those really bad traits that hinder me from growing. Like balancing passion with common sense and decency! And a lot more other things.
8. Read more books, NOT the required reading list found on a class syllabus. And read more Martha Stewart. I always need my Martha Stewart energy kick.
9. No more wasting time bemoaning the fact that I'm single and that NO [quality] male alive wants me. Nor will I think less of the fact that I'm beautiful, smart, talented...the list goes on... simply because ALL [quality] living males are retards for not wanting me [or are already taken]. Who needs men anyways?
10. Learn something new everyday about life, about people, and about myself.


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