
Random wishes

Joe, Abby and I had lunch the other day at Houlihans. Joe and I splurged - he got Snickers dessert and I got cappuccino. I highly recommend the cappuccino. Even Joe liked it and he doesn't drink coffee, but then neither do I. Abby got us started on telling our life stories. It was hilarious! She gave us the play-by-play, from preschool to senior prom. Then we got started making our "wish list." Abby said she so many things on that list. For instance she couldn't be interested in a guy if he went to an ice cream store and order plain vanilla. She seemed pretty adamant about it, but I don't care what he orders, as long as he doesn't get pink fluffy stuff. If he got pink fluffy stuff I'd be pretty worried. SO anyways. I'm going to make my list. And yes Joe, I'm going to publish it on my blog. OK maybe not EVERYTHING. (Joe wouldn't tell us what was on his list, in case you were wondering. But then, he has a girl.) So well, keep checking because I'm gonna write that list. Tomorrow. When the Colts kick some Chief _____ till they walk their own Trail of Tears Take Two! But there's a nice little yummy intro for my list.


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