
Amy mentions this article in her blog. It is incredible and highly worth reading. I fully agree with what it says and it saddens me that is so true. Women today are not "ladies" and it disappoints me greatly. I consider myself a lady and that is the reputation I wish bear. For someone to call me a lady is an enormous compliment, not "you woman!" Unfortunate as well, is that men refuse to be masculine or take pride in genteel manhood. But then why should they when their doting women cannot respect themselves as ladies. If my sex can't enjoy their feminine identity, what's there for the man to respect in them? Where there is no respect, there is no action. I wish my sex hadn't given femininity such a bad name. There are very few men left in this world who can recongnize a true lady or appreciate her pearl-like value. In other words, finding men who are worthy of marrying ladies are becoming a rare find. And for the kindly masculine gent, there are fewer rubies to bear their pride.

Another interesting commentary on this subject is a book by Gladys Hunt called "Ms. Means Myself." I recommend it, if you can find it. I believe it's out of print.


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