Social [dis]order
Have you ever wondered how intelligent people, when in a social group, will act contrary to the workings of an established system? And how a large group of people, though fully apt to discern the right action as individuals, will blindly follow a leader who directs the opposite. Humans are demoted to the lowly position of sheep who have the reputation of being the dumbest animals in God's creation.Tonight at church was an amusing example of this situation. Tradition says you stand up to sing; everyone who attends church knows this. But when they are not told to stand, no one does, even though they know they are acting in opposition to what is set format. So instead of standing, as has been done for countless Sundays, they remain sitting while giving not-so-confident side glances at their neighbors to see what they're doing. How can an entire congregation of people not stand simply because one person forgot to tell them to stand? I don't know, but it is amusing to ponder.
It puts dictators into perspective. Guess it just takes one person to give the order.
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