
Life as it is.

- I've recently been struggling with prayer. How do you know when to stop praying for something? How do you know for sure when God has given you His answer? Does God ever answer yes?

- I started a different read-the-Bible-in-a-year program. It's been much more incentive because you feel you actually are reading the whole Bible. I recommend it.

- I've been reconsidering the term "Friendship Evangelism." Is it also just another method? Friendship is a two-way street and I think that we often forget that people want to give to us in friendship. We get caught up in the evangelizing part we forget how to be friends. I was reminded of this yesterday when my good friend on campus cared so much about me, inspite of her own miserable set of problems. I realized what a bad friend I had been to her recently. And simply that, a bad friend.


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